Data Science Projects in Vellore

Data really powers everything that we do

Currently English is the Universal Language, But in the upcoming future Programming is going to be the Universal Language. Be Futuristic!!!

Know why are you here

Data Science?

Data science is a multifaceted field used to gain insights from complex data. The Introduction to Data Science course will survey the foundational topics in data science, namely: Data Manipulation, Data Analysis with Statistics and Machine Learning, Data Communication with Information Visualization, Data at Scale – Working with Big Data. Focuses on breadth and present the topics briefly instead of focusing on a single topic in depth. This will give you the opportunity to sample and apply the basic techniques of data science. Get best data science projects in vellore from strydo technologies

Know why are you here

Data science in Strydo

  • Enhance your skill set and boost your habitability through innovative, independent learning.
  • Accelerate your career with the credential that fast-tracks you to job success.
  • Ideal for those beginning a career in data science
  • Master the tools and methods of data analysts
  • we offer best data science projects in vellore
  • Ideal for those searching for a general purpose programming language
  • Learn a programming language designed with data science in mind

Project Support

Final Year Projects for CSE

Project Idea

Best Java Projects in Vellore and Tirupati


Best Dotnet Projects In vellore and Tirupati

Domain Selection

Matlab Projects

Paper Write-up

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Journal Publication

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on creating applications that learn from data and improve their accuracy over time, without the need for programming. In data science, an algorithm is a series of statistical processing steps. In machine learning, algorithms are trained to find patterns and features in massive amounts of data in order to make decisions and predictions based on new data. The better the algorithm, the more accurate the decisions and predictions, because it processes more data. Today, examples of machine learning are everywhere around us. The digital assistant will search the Internet and play music based on our voice commands. The website recommends products, movies and songs based on what we have previously purchased, watched or heard. When we do, the robot will vacuum our floor. Our time has better things. The spam detector prevents spam from reaching our inbox. Medical imaging systems can help doctors detect tumors they may have missed. The first self-driving car is on the road.

Machine Learning IN STRYDO

Enhance your skill set and boost your hirability through innovative, independent learning. Accelerate your career with the credential that fast-tracks you to job success. Ideal for those beginning a career in data science. Master the tools and methods of data analysts. Ideal for those searching for a general purpose programming language. Learn a programming language designed with data science in mind

Deep Learning

Deep Learning

Deep learning is a sub-field of machine learning that processes algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain, called artificial neural networks. Can be confused. I know that I was confused at first. Many of my colleagues and friends learned and used neural networks in the 1990s and early 2000s. Leaders and experts in this field have ideas about what deep learning is. And these specific and subtle points of view will reveal a lot of understanding of the entire content of deep learning.

Deep Learning IN STRYDO

Enhance your skill set and boost your hirability through innovative, independent learning. Accelerate your career with the credential that fast-tracks you to job success. Ideal for those beginning a career in data science. Master the tools and methods of data analysts. Ideal for those searching for a general purpose programming language. Learn a programming language designed with data science in mind



Big data is a fast-growing field and skills in the area are some of the most in demand today. You’ll begin by examining how big data is collected and stored, before going on to explore how statistical inference, machine learning, mathematical modeling and data visualization are used in its analysis. You’ll become familiar with predictive analysis, dimension reduction, machine learning, clustering techniques and decision trees, before going on to look at the math’s that underpins many of the tools you can use to manage and analyze big data. !


  • Identify big data application areas.
  • Use big data frameworks.
  • Model and analyze data by applying selected techniques.
  • Demonstrate an integrated approach to big data.
  • And participate effectively in a team working with big data experts.




RPA is a relatively new idea in the business world. Human employees waste a lot of time performing mundane, tedious tasks during the workday, but what if businesses could automate those tasks to free up humans for higher-order ones? While we won’t have physical robots interacting with business applications, software robots can help automate business processes that humans don’t like and aren’t good at doing.

Typically, a developer writes a series of coded actions for automation, but with RPA, artificial intelligence watches a human user interact with a program and learns directly from the source. This time of digital transformation could provide better insight into using applications and more efficient automation. These automation tools are still very new, but they could be the future of business process automation.


  • See the big pictureof robotic process automation and prepare you for further hands-on study
  • Anyone who wants to improve their chances of getting and keeping a white collar job in the near future.
  • Test automation engineers who want to make a larger impact and increase earning potential.

We guide you to reach your Tech Goals with ease


Project Benifits
  • Focusing on Latest IEEE Issues
  • Value based
  • Futuristic
  • Tailor Made Concepts
  • Real-Time oriented


Project Highlights
  • Design and Documentation
  • 100% Percent Implementation
  • Get to know Top to Bottom
  • High Valued
  • Career Focused


  • No Compromise on quality
  • All the way support
  • Trained by Tech Wizards
  • Flexibility
  • Make you real world competitive

New Era Platform for your Projects

Android Projects In Vellore

Expert Mentorship

  • Trained by expert mentors
  • Rigorous Training
  • Step-by-Step Guidance
  • Start to Stop care
  • Provides support in all dimension
Vlsi Projects in vellore and tirupati

Training & Interactions

  • Both Online and Offline Support
  • More Practical sessions
  • Flexible timings
  • Knowledge Based
  • Interactive Training

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Data Science Projects in vellore
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How can i get projects from Strydo?

You can Enroll yourself through Online (or) Dial a call (or) Make a direct walk-in to get latest IEEE Projects and Capstone Projects for B.E, B.TECH, M.E, M.TECH, M.SC, MBA, etc.

What are the prerequisties to get projects in a domain?

Basic knowledge on that particular domain, and eagerness to learn new things on that domain.

How STRYDO help me to complete my project?

STRYDO will give you a complete assistance from explaining a concept to finishing with final documentation.

Is it is possible to do internship along with my project?

Yes, STRYDO provides internship opportunities along with your projects

What is the use of doing internship along with my project?

Students can get in-depth knowledge about their project and can hands on experience on project development.

Who will develop our Prioject?

Tech wizards from various domain, having industrial and academic experience will develop your project.

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