Kick Start Your Career with Internship
Get Started to learn from Industrial experts, Get Internship in Vellore and Tirupati for all Streams
Why Internship?
College students need to balance work, friends, family, and assignments. It can be easy to overlook the critical importance of getting a great internship experience. However, in today’s competitive economy, it is crucial that students make an internship a top priority. Internships are a proven way to gain relevant knowledge, skills, and experience while establishing important connections in the field. Strydo Technologies Provides Best in Class Internship in Vellore and Titupati Internships are also a way to get your feet wet and find out if a specific field is something you could see our self doing full-time.

Why Internship In STRYDO?
Strydo IT Academy not only gives routes to gain technical knowledge it always aids in providing the right platform to channel all your skills and learning with industrial aspect. We provide top-notch experience by allowing you to contemplate real corporate affairs. We handhold you on all the stages of rendering services to our client companies. Alongside we also have references that can help you be placed for an internship in your preferred chosen location. we provide best internship in Vellore and Tirupati
We promise to help you find your definite destination, apply now to intern us/for internship assistance.

Strydo Technologies
We’re happy to have been a part of our students’ successful journey by landing them a job with their dream company
Real world Case Studies
By Providing Solution for many problems we found many real world case studies
Global Certification
Get Globally Recognized certificate on successful completion of your Internship
Projects with internship
Get your Final Year project with internship certificate
Get Certified for your Internship
Certification from STRYDO will give you a unique recognition from others.

How it works
Simple steps can get you a better transformation in your career
Apply for the internship on a domain which you prefer and wait for interview call
Step 1
Interview will be conducted for recruitment of an intern, once you cleared the interview you will be placed as an intern
Step 2
Get Certified
After Completing your Project along with your Internship, get Project Completion Certificate from that firm
Step 3
Internship For CSE, IT MCA, MSC, MS
Internship Schedule for Python
Overview of python
Data Types and Variables
Operation and Conditional Statements
Functions in Python
Exception Handling
File Handling
Classes and Object in Python
Numpy Package
Panda Package
Regular Expressions
Multithreading in Python
Database access
Data visualization
Machine Learning
Internship Schedule for Machine Learning
Machine Learning Introduction
- Machine learning
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Why?
- Is it possible on current trend?
Types of Machine Learning
- Supervised
- Unsupervised
- Reinforcement
Applications of Machine Learning
- Application
- Where it is widely used
- Different sector
Supervised Learning
- Types
- Algorithm
- Any one algorithm in types
Unsupervised Learning
- Types
- Algorithm
- Any one algorithm in types
Reinforcement Learning
- Types
- Algorithm
- Any one algorithm in types
Essential Mathematics
- Statistics
- Probability
- Calcus
Evaluation Part
- Testing
- Hyperparameter tunning
- Evaluation
Packages Libraries
- Why?
- Where?
- How?
- What?
- Purpose?
Deep Learning
Internship Schedule for Deep Learning
Deep Learning Introduction
- Deep learning
- Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Why?
- Is it possible on current trend?
Types of Deep Learning
- Artificial neural network
- Convolution neural network
- Recurrent neural network
Applications of Deep Learning
- Application
- Where it is widely used
- Different sector
Artificial neural network
- Algorithm
- Activation function
- uses
Convolution neural network
- Algorithm
- Activation function
- Uses
Recurrent neural network
- Algorithm
- Activation function
- Uses
Internship Schedule for JAVA
Overview of java
Data Types, Variables and Arrays
Operators and Control Statements
Classes and Methods
Abstract Class and Interface
Access Modifier and Packages and String Handling
Exception Handling
Wrapper Classes and I/o
Socket Programming and Rmi
Jdbc Concepts and Packages
Java Server Page
Internship Schedule for .Net
Overview of Dotnet
Simple Program
Classes and Methods
Abstract Class and Interface
Exception Handling
Introduction of Thread
File I/o Classes and Delegates
Master Page
Data Reader
Web Service
Internship Schedule for Android
Getting started with Android App Development
Fundamental Components of Android Phones and Tablets
Installing and Configuring Eclipse to Create Apps
Creating the User Interface(UI)
Core components of Android User Interfaces(UIs)
Using Android’s XML-Based Layout System to Define UIs
Mastering User Interface Layouts
Pros and cons of Differernt Layout Models
Using Containers to Control the Location of Widgets
Defining a Widget’s Position Relative to Other Widgets
Accepting User Input
The Android Input Method Framework
Getting Input from Attached and/or Internal Keyboards
Processing Choices with Selection Lists
Menus,ActionBars and Popups
Adding Traditional Application Menus to Apps
Displaying Context Menus When Users Tap and Hold
Advanced User Interfaces and the WebKit Browser
Embedding HTML Content in Apps with Webkit
Displaying Analog and Digital Clocks
Using Tabs to Display Multiple UIs
Working with Activities and Internet Filters
The Application Activity Lifecycle
Saving Data when Apps are Paused Or Killed
Using Threads to Run Background Services
Data Management
Embedding SQL-Lite Databases in Apps
Permanently Storing Data in Local Databases
Retrieving Database Data when Apps Start
Saving Files and Images
Storing Images,Strings and Arrays
Playing Audio and Video Files
Best Practices for Saving Files
Using Java Libraries and Web Services
Using Pre-Compiled Java Libraries
Connecting to Web Services (such as Google Maps)
Downloading Internet Content
Handling Rotation and Different Screen Sizes
Different Strategies for Handing Screen Rotations
Controlling UI Changes when screens Rotate
Issues Related to Tablets and Larger Screens
Working with Built-in Android Features
Accessing and Using MapView
Getting the Location of the Phone Or Tablet
Working with the camera
Deploying to Android Devices
Checking for and Requiring Phone or Tablets Features
Deploying to the Android Store
Deploying Directly to Devices
Alternative Develpment Options and Other Resources
Building Apps with PhoneGap
Using Flex, Air and Other Development Options
Location Resources and Help


Why Students like STRYDO
We’re happy to have been a part of our students’ successful journey by landing them a job with their dream company
Reason One
Best Service in town, On time service, Industrial Mentorship.
Reason two
Internships in various domains, Global Certification, Hands-on Training experience.
Get Internship at STRYDO
Enroll now and keep first step towards your career